Heil PR-35: Has anyone compared the new "improved" version to the previous model?

Bob Dodge

Nov 9, 2011
I recently ordered a Heil PR-35, (which arrived yesterday afternoon). I was very surprised to see that there's been a total chassis redesign for this mic.

Today, I managed to find a brief press-release that spoke about a redesigned 2-position roll-off switch,,, "improved" rear-rejection (-42dB),,,, and there's mention of "several significant internal improvements". Might those "internal improvements" mean lower handling noise/ better mechanical isolation?

I'm wondering if anyone here has more detailed info, and I'm curious to find out if anyone has done a direct comparison between both versions.

Here's the press-release;

News - Heil upgrade PR 35 handheld vocal mic

Heil's product page;

PR 35 | Heil Sound Pro


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Re: Heil PR-35,,, Has anyone compared the new "improved" version to the previous mode

That was the case with the when the original PR20's were redesigned.
Heil even converted some existing units for a small amount.
I noticed a tremendous difference after the upgrade.