Help! Crackle from Mackie/RCF ART 300a powered speaker

Eric Ducoff

Nov 7, 2012
I have an older Mackie/RCF ART 300a powered speaker that just started to develop some crackling in the HF driver. Everyone said the driver needed to be replaced, so I did that tonight. Fired it up and the crackle is still there. It only happens when a signal is going through the quiet with no signal.

Any ideas?
Re: Help! Crackle from Mackie/RCF ART 300a powered speaker

Could be a bad connection, like a ribbon cable that needs reseated. Also, try the volume pot if it cracles when you move it, sometimes you get oxidation and wear that gives similar symptoms, working it will sometimes wear down the oxidation and restore it for a while.
If it is something like a bad solder point on the pcb, the cure is of course a bit more complicated.