Lisa Young

New member
Mar 1, 2018
Ventnor, NJ
ASHEVILLE, NC 8.7.23—“The decision to use d&b loudspeakers on the Camelot revival was based on the extensive knowledge and years of experience having worked with these speakers; we are both familiar with the quality and performance of d&b products,” state Sound Designers Marc Salzberg and Beth Lake.
The d&b V7P point source loudspeakers were chosen for the production because of the full range capabilities, and because their dispersion is well-suited for the configuration of the Vivian Beaumont Theater at Lincoln Center. “Because the house is broken into five sections, there are specific areas that can and cannot overlap in coverage,” says Salzberg. With d&b ArrayCalc prediction software we could carefully plan with the scenic and lighting departments where our speakers needed to be for the best sounding show. Luckily, we already had a model of the venue from our previous shows in the Beaumont, so we were able to easily translate how Camelot would be slightly different...

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