[News] Histibe Transforms Sounds of Oppression into Tools of Expression with Rycote Mics

Margaret Sekelsky

New member
Oct 1, 2018
Marina del Rey, CA

Kyiv, UKR (September 23, 2024) — Maks Histibe is a polymath whose talents encompass music production, synthesis, filmmaking, DJing, sound design, and field recording. Known professionally by his stage name — a combination of the words HIStory, TIme, and BEnd — he has built a career around both audio and visual media. The former includes sample packs and sounds for a range of music software brands; the latter involving filming and directing of original video footage from all over Ukraine for international artists and labels. His virtual instrument, Swords to Ploughshares, turns field audio related to the Russian invasion into playable musical sounds. Throughout the sometimes-harrowing process of recording the source material up close, he has found Rycote microphones and protective gear match his own tenacity and agility...

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