How do I determine how much to charge for permanent venue hire?

Re: How do I determine how much to charge for permanent venue hire?

I had an install in a club here in Adelaide many years ago. I got a "heads up" phone call from an employee that the receivers were coming in. I was there within the hour and had the gear out asap. Once the receivers come in and lock the doors, it is VERY difficult and time consuming to prove ownership and get equipment back.
Re: How do I determine how much to charge for permanent venue hire?

I had an install in a club here in Adelaide many years ago. I got a "heads up" phone call from an employee that the receivers were coming in. I was there within the hour and had the gear out asap. Once the receivers come in and lock the doors, it is VERY difficult and time consuming to prove ownership and get equipment back.
Consider yourself very lucky.

Many people get "burned" when putting their gear into "questionable" clubs-hoping to get some easy money.

Sometimes it works out great-other times not so. Believe me-I know. Been there-done that-took the financial hit ;(

Of course the same thing happens with gigs and not getting paid up front. Yeah it sucks.