How long did it take you to find the major fail?

Re: How long did it take you to find the major fail?

In this pic:
Do you mean the fact that pins 1 and 3 are swapped? or that there is to much solder? or that there is a "point" on the ground solder blob that could touch the shell and possibly cause ground loops? Or that the wires are to short and the shield is very close to touching the grounding tab-which could cause ground loops? Or the extra niks in the insulation?
Edited... apparently that photo just looks REALLY dark on my phone, but isn't so bad on a computer.
Otherwise I think Ivan covered the finer points... unless you forgot to put the boot on before soldering?
Gotta hate when that happens!
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Re: How long did it take you to find the major fail?

Ivan's closest. Another pic might help. The "short wires" is due to the shrink wrap, it's not the jacket, and the terrible soldering is not the big issue.


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Re: How long did it take you to find the major fail?

Ivan's closest. Another pic might help. The "short wires" is due to the shrink wrap, it's not the jacket, and the terrible soldering is not the big issue.
Then I assume you are talking about the red and black wires on different pins. THat depends on which pin you consider "hot"-but they should be the same on both ends.
Re: How long did it take you to find the major fail?

Then I assume you are talking about the red and black wires on different pins. THat depends on which pin you consider "hot"-but they should be the same on both ends.

Yeah, assuming the both ends picture you show is of the same cable, that's kinda wrong. Basically no pin going to the right one on the other side. That's gonna not work well.

it IS okay to use the red wire on pin 3 so long as it carries through consistently to the other side. Not a great practice, but having lived through the great 'Pin 3 hot to pin 2 hot' standards changeover, I've learned to always check both ends of the cable before assuming that the other side is wired red to pin 2.