I must ask for your help...

Jay Barracato

Graduate Student
Jan 11, 2011
Solomons MD
As much as I hate the idea, society has decided that support via social pages is somehow important.

However, a friend of mine wants to be able to apply for a Mission Small Business grant for her photography company. In order to be eligable to apply, she must garner 250 votes online by tonight from people who log in via their facebook account. Currently she is a handful of votes short of the goal.

If you can help, please go to:


Login on the right side of the page.

From the seach engine, select Freckle Photography under company and Maryland under state.

On the page that pops up, hit the VOTE button, and you are done.

This does seem like a way to collect facebook contacts, but I figure anything this big is going to get my contacts anyways, and I have received no tpyes of spam or unwanted contacts since logging in.

It seems perfectly safe (as anything online is) to me, and if you can help out a friend, I would appreciate it. If you already know about this grant because you know of small businesses in the running, let me know and I would be happy to add my vote.