I wonder how many "what should I buy" posts I can make in a month


Jun 5, 2012
Ulster, NY
I currently run a pair of old Mackie SR1530's and a pair of Yorkville UCS1's down below. I absolutely hate the way the SR1530's sound as they get near running out of gas and I am also tired of their size and shape. At 115lb's each doing shows all alone... that's not fun to haul at 5AM.

I am looking to make an upgrade early next year and I've narrowed it down to 3 possibilities.

2, JBL SRX722's
2, EV QRX212's
4,or 2, Yorkville U15's - with balanced tilters

I know the ev's and the jbl's can't be stand mounted but neither can the 1530's and I've been working out ok with that by putting it on the subs or on scaffolds for out door shows. The fact that the u15's can be stand mounted is a plus, though. I don't need them to be super loud as I do mainly bar bands, small outdoor events, or weddings. So, minor differences in SPL output between the three sets of boxes isn't as much of a concern.

So far... the way upper range of my budget is around 2200 per set, used, of course.
Re: I wonder how many "what should I buy" posts I can make in a month

If you are a one man operation and want to pole mount your mid/hi boxes, you will either need help or keep the weight under 50/60 lbs, unless you are unusually strong (or crazy). Boxes in this weight range include the JTR Noesis line, EV Zx5 (or ZXa5 powered version), Danley SM60, etc. Even my SM80's are difficult to self mount at 60 lbs. and I usually have a helper.
Re: I wonder how many "what should I buy" posts I can make in a month

My old yamaha tops were about 70lbs each and that was easy as pie. Every now and again i break them out for a small show and marvel at how much easier they are. I can even handle 80lbs on my own. But, once you get above 100lbs I get grumpy. 115lbs, also, isn't the end of the world. It is just annoying at 5AM after having been at the bar for 12 hours and for 120-150 bucks.

I'd love to give a looksie at the Noesis but, I can't afford that or a Danley. That brings up something else, though. The triple 12 seems to get good reviews. How do they fare up against the 722 and the 212?