Hey all,
I'm putting on a mini sound man get together in Indianapolis
The group is a facebook group called "Indy Sound Techs"
99% of us will be from central Indiana, but all are welcome
Please message me if you intend to come, especially if you want to bring gear.
Space for gear is limited, so we need to know in advance what is coming
Don't hesitate to contact me via PM, or e-mail
steve at floodstagestudio dot com
The event is on Monday November 19, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
It's at the Irving Theater at 5505 E Washington Street, Indianapolis IN 46219
We are focusing on comparing speakers that "mere mortals" use in club situations.
SRX/QRX/Yorkville U15/UCS1/etc etc
A very short description of what we'll be doing is
Monday, November 19, 2012
8:00am until 5:00pm
Indy Sound Techs group gathering to listen to club size PA gear
1) FOH speakers - compare rigs in use in clubs
1-b (assuming time and interest) Sub comparison
2) Monitor shootout - compare monitors being used in clubs
3) Kik drum mic demo - Mic up a drum kit and try different kik drum combos and see what works
I'll try to post a more detailed description later, but I wanted to get up a note about the event now.
I'm putting on a mini sound man get together in Indianapolis
The group is a facebook group called "Indy Sound Techs"
99% of us will be from central Indiana, but all are welcome
Please message me if you intend to come, especially if you want to bring gear.
Space for gear is limited, so we need to know in advance what is coming
Don't hesitate to contact me via PM, or e-mail
steve at floodstagestudio dot com
The event is on Monday November 19, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
It's at the Irving Theater at 5505 E Washington Street, Indianapolis IN 46219
We are focusing on comparing speakers that "mere mortals" use in club situations.
SRX/QRX/Yorkville U15/UCS1/etc etc
A very short description of what we'll be doing is
Monday, November 19, 2012
8:00am until 5:00pm
Indy Sound Techs group gathering to listen to club size PA gear
1) FOH speakers - compare rigs in use in clubs
1-b (assuming time and interest) Sub comparison
2) Monitor shootout - compare monitors being used in clubs
3) Kik drum mic demo - Mic up a drum kit and try different kik drum combos and see what works
I'll try to post a more detailed description later, but I wanted to get up a note about the event now.