Irish flute mic recommendation

John Norris

Jan 13, 2011
Athens GA
An Irish flutist friend is considering buying a clip-on mic for live performance. He already has both a headset mic and a lavalier mic, (I don't know the brands/models) and is not fully satisfied with either one. Since he knows that, for a muso, I keep up with what sounds good more than he, he's asked me for a recommendation.

Budget is not specified, but I know that he wants to be satisfied, so he's prepared to pay more than he previously has. John H and Dick R, and anyone else with experience miking an Irish flute, please share your thoughts. Thanks

These questions come to mind for live Irish flute mics:

1) Will a good clip-on perform better than a good headset or lavalier, or not? I see that DPA makes a both a headset and a lavalier, in addition to their 4099 clip-on.

2) Is wireless the best way to go, or not?

2) Will the Audix ADX10-LFP fit on the larger bore Irish flute? And if it fits, then...

3) Is the DPA 4099U still worth the extra expense over the Audix or not?

4) Any other high quality mics for Irish flute to consider?
Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

An Irish flutist friend is considering buying a clip-on mic for live performance. He already has both a headset mic and a lavalier mic, (I don't know the brands/models) and is not fully satisfied with either one. Since he knows that, for a muso, I keep up with what sounds good more than he, he's asked me for a recommendation.

Budget is not specified, but I know that he wants to be satisfied, so he's prepared to pay more than he previously has. John H and Dick R, and anyone else with experience miking an Irish flute, please share your thoughts. Thanks

These questions come to mind for live Irish flute mics:

1) Will a good clip-on perform better than a good headset or lavalier, or not? I see that DPA makes a both a headset and a lavalier, in addition to their 4099 clip-on.

2) Is wireless the best way to go, or not?

2) Will the Audix ADX10-LFP fit on the larger bore Irish flute? And if it fits, then...

3) Is the DPA 4099U still worth the extra expense over the Audix or not?

4) Any other high quality mics for Irish flute to consider?

I would most definitely use an Irish Mike. They seem to be everywhere! Sorry, couldn't help myself!
Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

I would most definitely use an Irish Mike. They seem to be everywhere! Sorry, couldn't help myself!


To John Norris:

The players I know are generally back on regular mics on stands-they play the mic like a singer for dynamic effect. My preference is to go with one mounted on the instrument, especially if gain before feedback is the biggest problem. Less noise from movements of the head and body of the player too.

I have a couple of the Audix units with the mounts that go under the crown. Get in touch if you're interested in one.

That said, DPA are probably the highest quality sounding little mics out there, but easily in the $500-600 range.

Best regards,

Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

Thanks, Helge and John, and I'll mention your Audix to him. (And Kristian will be here all week, folks.) ;)
"Two Irishmen walked out of a bar.... It could happen!"
Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

Thanks, Helge and John, and I'll mention your Audix to him. (And Kristian will be here all week, folks.) ;)
"Two Irishmen walked out of a bar.... It could happen!"

The Audix works well and is affordable. A lot of folks just use an SM58. It works well for good players...

What usually happens when four Irishmen get together? There's a fifth...
Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

I forgot to mention, you won't get the Audix mount onto a wooden flute...rubber bands or velcro straps at that point. Maybe.

Best regards,


Have you used these improvised mounts before on an Irish flute, John? If so, does it work well enough?

Also - anyone here used the DPA 4099u with universal adapter on the wooden flute? How well does the u adapter work, being so close to the blowhole?
Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

Have you used these improvised mounts before on an Irish flute, John? If so, does it work well enough?

Also - anyone here used the DPA 4099u with universal adapter on the wooden flute? How well does the u adapter work, being so close to the blowhole?

No, all the wooden flute players I know are multi instrumentalists or old school, and use a mic on a stand.

Best regards,

Re: Irish flute mic recommendation

If you use a DPA 4099 with the Umount and if required a gooseneck extension you can easily mount it at the opposite end of the flute and get the capsule somewhere useful, it will take a bit of playing around to get it right but it will work. You would be best to get a radio adaptor for it as well as it would be easy to pull the whole thing off if the xlr cable got caught or pulled.
I have a few of these mics and several of the mounts and find them very useful for all things folky and classical and although the mics are dear the mounts aren't so having just a couple of them and say a selection of guitar and violin style clips make for a very useful piece of kit IMO G