It's that time of the year again.

Jan 19, 2011
Oslo, Norway, Norway

I've just completed tuning two systems for a graduation party.

20x V25 and 12x S28 covering an area of 32x18m.

The picture is one of the systems, their'e both identical in terms of audio, the difference is the stage design.

The kids are having a time of their life, the DJ is cool and I have catering. Good times :)

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Re: It's that time of the year again.

Cool looking setup. Where are the subs at or are they not rolled out? That array looks so low compared to what Im used to seeing but I lack much knowledge on array deployment.
Re: It's that time of the year again.

Subs are behind the "stage" on the ground. A center line with some delay arching.

The PA is low, but I only had 6m trim height on this. A bit of array shading and some eq made it ok even close up.

I got first and second place in the sound quality competition on this event. Just completed tuning three rigs for competition no. 2, results will be official in a few hours. Competing in sound quality might sound silly, but it's a selling point for my boss.

If he can tell the kids who are looking for a system for next year "We came in first and second" he get's the deal. And I get to sharpen up my systech skills.
Re: It's that time of the year again.

So it is like a modern version of the Jamaican soundclash? This sounds like a cool event. I think I remember seeing some youtube videos of something similar in South America but it was systems that people would cringe at over here. Lots of Piezo drivers and home brew cabinets.
Re: It's that time of the year again.

So it is like a modern version of the Jamaican soundclash?

Sort of, but the systems are a bit more up to date. I was ther with VTX, the competition had K1, K2 and GTO.

It's fun being able to walk around and listen to different system in the same enviroment, some interesting differences appear.

In my highly personal opinion, K1 wins the "least impressive big sound system" award in the category sound quality. It's beautifully engineered, but it leaves me with the impression that more effort was put into the engineering part than into sound quality. It's not bad, but it's not "wow" either.

Re: It's that time of the year again.

In my highly personal opinion, K1 wins the "least impressive big sound system" award in the category sound quality. It's beautifully engineered, but it leaves me with the impression that more effort was put into the engineering part than into sound quality. It's not bad, but it's not "wow" either.


Engineering isn't part of the sound quality? I'm guessing you mean the engineering of the rigging apparatus? Although sometimes I think systems are "engineered" to "look right" more than they're engineered to sound right.
Re: It's that time of the year again.

It's beautifully put together as a package, everything from cables to flyware is designed to function properly. As a package it's great, I understand why people buy it.

It leaves me with the impression that "big tour logistics" was more important than "maximum sound quality".