Just how much of a sucker *am* I?

Simon Eves

May 12, 2013
So as I said in another thread, I recently stepped in to run sound for a musical theatre production at 10 days' notice when the regular sound guy had a nasty transportation accident.

So far, I've done 28 hours there, evenings and all this weekend, and I shall be there 5 hours the next three evenings, and then running (mixing) eight shows over two weekends. I am using the house X32, PA, and wireless, but I am providing some small gear - mics, cables, computer, WiFi router, iPad, 3-4 wireless mic elements (as the group didn't have enough working ones), and a couple of small monitor speakers borrowed from a friend. 25 wireless mics, a 9-piece band, and DCA-based automation for the vocals, the finishing of which kept me up until 3am last night. About the only thing I'm not responsible for is the sound effects.

If I was (even a semi) professional, how much would I charge for this? :)
Re: Just how much of a sucker *am* I?

The answer isn't an easy one to come up with. The entry level salary for a sound engineer starts around $30K, and can go up to $100K or so for higher end shows. Just a rough estimate, it sounds like you'll have about 80 hours into the project, which equals 2 weeks pay. On the low end, that should be about $1150, being paid directly. As a production company, the charge to the client would be significantly higher.

For the gear provided, piecemeal rental rates for bits and pieces would be priced at 5-10% of the cost of the item. If you're doing this at all professionally, EVERY piece of gear that goes out on a rental should be documented and billed for. Everything, down to power strips, cables, etc. Know what goes out, and what comes back.
Re: Just how much of a sucker *am* I?

I assume you do it for free? Another weekend warrior could do it also for a very low charge, upto professional rates.

Do you like what you're doing? That's far more important, especially when all the others at the production are non paid persons as well.
Re: Just how much of a sucker *am* I?

Yes, I am doing it for free, although I have charged them for renting my gear in the past (they have since bought their own X32).

It's a summer workshop group for 13-23yos, so obviously the actor, musician, and tech students (including the guy who was going to be the sound designer) aren't paid, quite the opposite, but there are several key adults who are, most notably a professional production manager.

I'm doing it because I respect the group's work, having consulted for them the previous two summers, and because I count the kid who got hurt as a friend, so I'm mostly doing it for him, and because ultimately, yes, I enjoy it.

That said, I'm sitting here at my day job dozing off after a long weekend and being up until 3am staring at a spreadsheet, and wondering what they would have had to pay to bring in somebody if I'd said no.
Re: Just how much of a sucker *am* I?

If they had someone doing it for free, and they found you to do it for free, it's unlikely that they would have paid market rate to bring someone in to do the job. It sounds more like a volunteer organization than a professional production. Very big difference there. Think about the actors in a community theater production. They aren't paid, and there's no way the production would happen if they had to pay the actors. Just isn't going to happen.
Re: Just how much of a sucker *am* I?

I'm doing it because I respect the group's work, having consulted for them the previous two summers, and because I count the kid who got hurt as a friend, so I'm mostly doing it for him, and because ultimately, yes, I enjoy it. That said, I'm sitting here at my day job dozing off after a long weekend and being up until 3am staring at a spreadsheet....
"One of the good guys".

Without a good guy, they would be in the doodoo.