KT DN9344 or equivalent ?


I'm in a pickle. So i've got this 9344 that's dead due to phantom power.

It looks like the organisation who had my gear are covering this under insurance. However there are no 9344's in Oz for sale; the product is no longer current at KT; apparantly there are no spare pcb's at KT to replace.

So I may be able to source a 9344 from elsewhere in the world - can anyone advise of places to try ?

Alternatively I can look into getting a "like for like". Perhaps the lake LM44 ? Are there any other 4ch digital eq's of the same calibre of the KT ? Parametrics, graphics, filters ? I know of lots of cheap digitals around.



Re: KT DN9344 or equivalent ?

So I may be able to source a 9344 from elsewhere in the world - can anyone advise of places to try?

Alternatively I can look into getting a "like for like". Perhaps the lake LM44? Are there any other 4ch digital eq's of the same calibre of the KT? Parametrics, graphics, filters ? I know of lots of cheap digitals around.


we still have left two demos with current firmware, they are on sale now.
pls send email if you're interested
