KT DN9344 won't power up to working state

Hi, After about 10 years of solid service my 9344 (earlier non-e version) won't power on properly.

the helix logo flashes on and off; the rate varies sometimes quick with an occasional slow one. The fan also turns on, I don't know what speed it normally runs at but it appears to be slow - if it's variable speed maybe it only goes fast when hot ?

This happens wether or not it is connected to the 9340 ie, it doesn't appear to be a comms issue stopping it from starting.

Is there anything simple you could suggest I look at ? Gotta gig tomorrow i'm hoping to use this for but it's the weekend; I think I'd better plan around it.

Re: KT DN9344 won't power up to working state

In my city there are only a few guys who can look at this sort of thing. He finally had a look earlier this week and it's really disappointing news. I've not seen the board yet but he tells me that a component failed, let out the magic smoke.. and then proceeded to burn into the pcb. So the pcb is now stuffed and apparantly can't be repaired. The only way out is to replace the entire pcb but that amounts to pretty much replacing the entire unit.

And I've now discovered that the 9430 and 9344 are discontinued models. I guess that was going to happen at some point with digital desks gaining popularity.
