Aug 4, 2011
Photo above: “The Greasers” (top row, left to right): Jason Schmidt (Sodapop Curtis), Renni Anthony Magee (Steve), Daryl Tofa (Two-Bit), Tilly Evans-Krueger (Ace), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Johnny Cade), Joshua Boone (Dallas Winston), Brent Comer (Darrel Curtis); (front row): Brody Grant (Ponyboy Curtis) (photo credit: Matthew Murphy)
When it was first published in 1967, S.E. Hinton’s coming-of-age novel, The Outsiders, struck a chord with readers with its gritty-yet-tender tale of social and familial upheaval, aptly articulated by an author who was, herself, a teenager. Sixteen years later, celebrated film director Francis Ford Coppola brought the eponymous story to the silver screen with a cast full of young actors that would all go on to become Hollywood A-listers. Fast-forwarding to 2024, The Outsiders is vividly being reimagined once again, this time as a critically acclaimed Broadway musical that is dazzling audiences with its immersive L-ISA technology and the NYC Theater District’s...

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