Looking for a case company

Jason Raboin

Apr 6, 2011
Northampton, MA
I want to have a few racks built using Penn Elcom lightweight shock mount systems, slam latches, and possibly a lightweight honeycomb panel or similar lightweight plywood alternative. Can anyone suggest a case company, preferably in New England that has experience with those materials?
Re: Looking for a case company

I haven't tried anyone. I've used Image in the past, but the last time I sent them an email they never responded. I'm not a big account, but I do appreciate a little bit of customer service. If you have someone there you like working with I'll give them a shout.
Re: Looking for a case company

I want to have a few racks built using Penn Elcom lightweight shock mount systems, slam latches, and possibly a lightweight honeycomb panel or similar lightweight plywood alternative. Can anyone suggest a case company, preferably in New England that has experience with those materials?
Jason I don't have a particular case vendor to recommend as my local shop has pretty much gotten out of the case business, but I have several cases made out of the Penn Elcom FlightPanel honeycomb plastic, and within its limits, it's pretty neat stuff.

I haven't tested its puncture resistance and you can't put handles in the middle of a panel without significant risk of tearing out, but for small to medium sized cases where you're not going to try to lift 500lbs from the handles, it's fine, and the weight savings can be fairly significant. I have a large keyboard case, small format mixer case, and a lift-off-style speaker case and all have handled what I've thrown at them.

In your rack application, you would likely be fine as long as the handles are near the aluminum extrusions.
Re: Looking for a case company

I'm planning on a couple of 2 space racks that will be my "4 mix" amp racks. Each will house a Powersoft M50Q and an input/output panel. That should be less than 50 pounds. I also want a couple of 4 space racks that will house a Powersoft K2, K3 and panel each. Again, not very heavy.
Re: Looking for a case company

Contact Calzone. I went with them after a sub-par experience with Image and even though I'm only ordering a one-off case for my board, they have been extremely responsive. They've been quick to answer emails and seem to care that I get exactly the case I want.
Re: Looking for a case company

I am not familiar with any company in the New England area but on the East coast: Georgia Case Company and on the West coast: Jan-Al Cases. A company I worked with used Georgia Case Company exclusively and they seemed to be along the lines of Anvil and Calzone. Good stuff. I have several of the Jan-AL racks with the covers that make tables and they are still in service and in excellent shape after many years and many gigs. Shipping might be a cost issue but it could be worth a try if you don't find something closer. Good luck!
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Re: Looking for a case company

Hit Silas Pradetto up on this forum. He makes cases. He might not be familiar with those materials but likely has some knowledge about New England case makers.

As far as I know, Silas doesn't make cases anymore. Or atleast he hasn't made any since I stopped building them for him :lol:.
I'll ask him if he knows anybody in this area, he hasn't been on here in over a year.
Re: Looking for a case company

If you're willing to have something shipped, I've always had great luck with IndyCase in Indianapolis. I just placed an order yesterday and they're a little slow right now, so lead times are short. They have the 1/4" corrugated plastic panel, but don't carry the 3/8". Weight difference for your 2 space racks with 1/4" Russian birch plywood would only be a couple pounds difference compared to the plastic and the 1/4" Russian Birch would be a little more rugged. The big weight savings comes when comparing 3/8 ply with the plastic, but if you are OK with a 1/4" case, it's a minimal difference.
Re: Looking for a case company

If you're willing to have something shipped, I've always had great luck with IndyCase in Indianapolis.

I have a few cases from Indy Case, as does another company I work with that liked mine so much they ordered a bunch for themselves.

I think they're probably my favorite cases. They have some very unique designs that work very well for me, and they're great people to work with. Highly recommended, if they can make what you need.