Looking to get on the road...

Brett Smith

Jun 5, 2011
Howell, NJ
I've been working live sound in the Asbury Park area and running a nice little project studio for the past 8 years. On the live side, I've engineerd for countless well known touring acts, both monitors and FOH. On the studio side, I feel I've churned out some recordings that hang with studios much more expensive than mine. I have completed 2 years of audio school as well, before entering the Asbury scene. Im looking to take my engineering to the next level by going on tour as either a monitor or FOH tech, perferably FOH. Wondering if anyone can give me any advice, suggestions on how to persue a tour job. I may have a monitor job with "Filter" after summer after working with their crew, but thats a few months away and I want to explore other options as well. As of now, my networking is limited to the touring bands that role through Asbury, many of which already carry 2 sound techs. I also have 18 years of drumming expierence, so I can take on a dual role as drum tech as well.

Thanks guys, Brett