LS9 Fader Calibration Issues

Ben Majchrzak

Sep 15, 2013
Hello all,

A company I work for has an LS9-32 that's having some fader calibration issues. Every time they go through the calibration process a different collection of faders shows up as bad. They have asked me to help them with the problem as I used to own an LS9. I'm not super knowledgeable about servicing them so I'm turning to you. Yamaha's only suggestion was to replace the fader circuit boards (a total parts cost of around $1100). Anyone know of anything we can do before going this route to get a possible fix? Or of another company that sells faders that could be used instead? Thanks.
Re: LS9 Fader Calibration Issues


If the reports are coming back "NG", the faders are toast. If they are the old style faders without the cover, I recommend just doing them all now and getting it over with rather than waiting until the next batch fails. You can replace the faders one by one, but replacing the board is a much quicker way to do it labor-wise. You'll have to balance the labor cost between replacing single faders versus replacing the boards and being done with it. You may also want to do the battery while you're in there. It should go without saying, but back the desk up before going under the hood.

Also, the parts cost should be a lot lower than $1100. You need two boards for the 32 - one that's 16 faders, and one that's 17 faders (16 + master). Even retail, it looks like your parts cost is more like $750.

Yamaha Fader board | Search Results | Full Compass

I recall the boards being "FD1" and "FD2", but you may want to verify that these are indeed the correct part numbers. The Yamaha part number for the single 100mm Alps fader is WU284700.

There was also a thread on it here:

Good luck!
a fader costs about 20€
as Brian sayed:

1st revision without gummi dust lip -> replace all
2nd revision with dust lip -> replace just the ones that could not be calibrated

if after a second calibration process some faders keep the select state they need to be replaced.
Re: LS9 Fader Calibration Issues

I'm 16 and I got through replacing 24 faders in our LS9. (Should've done all 33 of them, but well, that wasn't my decision. The 9 that weren't replaced are now bad.) The board is actually very easy to pull apart, and get the PCB's out. I don't recommend doing it though if you don't have any soldering/electronic experience. As for where to get them, they got them brand new off of ebay at $22 a piece (Yamaha LS9 M7CL Alps 100mm Fader w Dust Cover Yamaha Part WU284700 New | eBay) They came packaged correctly, and with no defects. So as far as I can say, this is a reliable source for the fader, But I'm sure there's a list of places you can get them. Also here's a pdf that I used of how to take it apart (courtesy of, well I found it on google).
