M7 Recalling Scene on its own

Daniel Nickleski

Jan 11, 2011
I seem to be having a VERY intermittent issue with one of my M7's. It has happened twice now over the span of 14 days. The M7 randomly recalls back to the scene it was previously on. First time it happened nobody was near the board and the second time it happened someone was adjusting the gain on a channel. Before anyone asks I know nobody accidentally hit the recall key (or the previous key) on the desk. The desk has just decided to do this on its own. Has anyone had this happen or know what is happening? I plan to contact Yamaha after the weekend, but if anyone here has experience with the issue I would love to hear about a fix for it.

Re: M7 Recalling Scene on its own

Do you have recall confirmation turned on? I've had dirt and shit get wedged into the buttons before, and the console would randomly change scenes when there was a lot of LF. I figured it out by turning the recall confirmation on.

Re: M7 Recalling Scene on its own

I'm with Evan.

When I'm setting up an M7 to work with, or any of the Yamaha family of digital desks, one of the first things I do is turn the confirmation notifications on. I can't remember all that there are, as I just woke up, but the save and recall ones are the most important ones I'll use. I would definitely try turning those on and see what that'll do for you.