Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

Lisa Lane-Collins

Dec 9, 2012
Adelaide, Australia
I've come around to thinking that a small, portable, 8 channel digital mixer with wireless mixing capabilities might not be such a bad addition to the tool kit, mainly for lousy vocal rigs with side of stage mixing in pubs/beer gardens. Sourced the mixer all good, just wondering what I need to get in the way of ipad and router to make everything play nice? (I did try googling this but mostly got data telling me to get an ipad, from some time in the past. From what I hear there are multiple generations and different connections and I need more data than That!!)
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Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?


That´s it - all you need is

- mixer - Mackie DL806, Behringer X-Air, Soundcraft Ui etc
- router/switch - unless built into mixer - in which case be sure the mixer is put high enough to provide decent wifi-connection - same goes with external router/switch...
- iPad, Android - depends on you mixer

Connect you microphones into mixer - output into house pa inputs - all set.

If you need monitors - example 2 groups
- L+R into house 1+2 - set them for mains
- monitor-outs of YOUR mixer into house channels 3-4 - keep channel faders of house mixer down and use mon-sends to route signal into monitors.

So perhaps some interconnect cable set + mics and cables.
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

Lisa, with wireless access points it's all about the RF first (just like radio mics), and then access management for the illusion of security. We've had several discussions about both and I think using the site's search tool or the G-word search for "whats the best router for my mixer" "best for.... iPad", etc will give you hours of confused reading enjoyment (ok, not really enjoyable).

What's your budget? Without getting into enterprise-level gear, there is a lot of positive comment about Ubiquity Networks Nano and Bullet series, and Engenius ENS500EXT. Based on my experience with that Engenius product I am also using their ESR900 (now discontinued). I've been very happy.

Like Timo said, get the antenna (probably the whole device unless you get something like the Bullet) well above head height and you will have better results. I use a mic stand and boom.

As for which iPad or Android tablet... I have an iPad 2 but I don't have a DL806, so I have no idea if it's sufficient. It still runs the mixer apps I use: X32/M32, ViSi, MixTender, StageMixand the Audio Architect/Crown amp apps. Android - I have an ASUS Google Nexus 7 Gen2 and it's a great tablet. The other ASUS tablets are nice, as are the Samsungs. Again, no Mackie so I can't say how well any individual device might work in your application.

Have fun, good luck.

Tim Mc
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

The QSc touchmix might be worth a look. The buildin touchscreen allows you to work with the mixer even in problematic Wifi-environments where the connection of the tablet to the mixer is unstable.
the mackie mixers are available with two different iPad connectors. If you want to use a newer iPad it is recommented to buy the lightning version of the mixer.
the behringers can be controlled by PC, Mac, iPad or Android devices. And they are imo sounding better than the other small mixers, especially the FX Section is far more better than thosefrom mackie or QSC
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

The QSc touchmix might be worth a look. The buildin touchscreen allows you to work with the mixer even in problematic Wifi-environments where the connection of the tablet to the mixer is unstable.

Yes, but note that the touchscreen does not support multitouch, so you are limited to adjusting one parameter at a time. Better than nothing, though.
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

Saw and heard the QSC touchmix last night. Not too impressed, but on par with the Mackie. :roll:

Any of the current iPad offerings are adequate for running the software. Only the first generation iPad is no longer supported (but does work, begrudgingly). I highly recommend the Apple wireless gear, they've done a great job offering rock solid wireless without much hassle. That said, it does have a wee bit of a price tag, but that's Apple for you.
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

Confirmed with the seller, this one definitely does not have the lightning connector. All signs online point to the Mackie DL806 not running with Android, Ipad only, and has to be an ipad with the old connector. Ironically does that limit my selection to the one kind of ipad that has discontinued support?

Excellent tips regarding getting the router up high :-D

*googles ipad 2, internet seems to be suggesting it has the same dock as the original. Yes!!*
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Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

The connector is only for the iPad that is in the dock. You can use any newer ipad with it wirelessly. You just won't be able to dock it in the mixer.

An iPad 2 would likely work, docked, for the music playback and record, but they are getting older and slower. You would be happier getting something newer to mix with.

Buy an apple express for the router. Works perfect for iPads and its small and easy to use.
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

Confirmed with the seller, this one definitely does not have the lightning connector. All signs online point to the Mackie DL806 not running with Android, Ipad only, and has to be an ipad with the old connector. Ironically does that limit my selection to the one kind of ipad that has discontinued support?

Excellent tips regarding getting the router up high :-D

*googles ipad 2, internet seems to be suggesting it has the same dock as the original. Yes!!*

I use a DL1608 on a regular basis in clubs very much like you describe. I'm still using an iPad 2, and you need an Airport express router (others work, but not as well as the Airport). My router stays in the board case, and I never have connection problems.

Now it should be noted that there are (2) versions of software/firmware to run this board:
Current version is 3.x - Requires an iPad Air 2 to run smoothly.
Version I use is 2.1 "classic" - this is recommended for your use and for older iPads.

The new version is loaded down with features I don't need - ie; subgroups, vca's, routing options, etc.
I personally hate the new version, as the touch screen is has a huge amount of lag, and I don't like the look of the new interface.

The classic version is a pure joy to use. It will run smoothly on any iPad from version 2 and up.
Please join and read this forum to learn more - but keep in mind that most of the posts are regarding the newer software versions:
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

$661 including postage second hand qualifies as a price advantage for me :-D (eventually I will get a QU16 and then try and find some hire clients for it, this throw away Mackie is just for me, something that fits in a back pack and will let me mix vox, FX and kick from the audience instead of the accursed side of stage location in places where there's no point running a multicore).

It's here it's here it's here it's here it's here, and it came with a lightning adapter so I don't know why the seller recommended the older gen ipads specifically o_O Going to try my luck with a 64g ipad 3, the classic Master Fader and an airport express, much excite. Thanks all for the advice :)
Re: Mackie DL806, what do I need to make it work?

Hi Folks,

With the short Apple adapter cable I can hardwire connect my Ipad-Air to the 30-pin connector on the DL1608.

Now that the Apple IOS updates have slowed, Mackie has the V3.1 app working nicely on my older Ipad-3 . Kudos to Mackie for supporting the 'older' hardware.

Thanks and good health, Weogo