Mackie HD1531 turned off!

John Chiara

Jan 11, 2011
Troy, NY
Had 2 of these in an install for 7 months and they seemed OK when I took them out. Fired them up last night and 1 ran for a few minutes and turned off. I managed to get it to fire up again but only for a second. Anyone with history on these have any insight?
Re: Mackie HD1531 turned off!

It doesn't power up at all at this point. Maybe a bad switch? I can't have it looked at for a while and my warehouse is n moving mode
Re: Mackie HD1531 turned off!

I've owned 4 of the HD1531s and experienced the same issues. Some of them would shut off unexpectedly. One speaker made a loud pop followed by an immediate muting of the signal while the fan kicked in. I've called Mackie and they denied ever having an issue with these series. Fortunately I was able to sell 2 of them. 1 of them is in the shop getting it's 3rd power supply installed. What a headache!
Re: Mackie HD1531 turned off!

Had 2 of these in an install for 7 months and they seemed OK when I took them out. Fired them up last night and 1 ran for a few minutes and turned off. I managed to get it to fire up again but only for a second. Anyone with history on these have any insight?

While I don't have any insight for you I can assure you it's not an isolated incident with these boxes. When I worked in a small club in Seattle we had these installed and they did this on a regular basis. They would work one night then the next they just wouldn't power on. They were demo boxes from Mackie themselves and eventually they got tired of replacing/fixing them and dealing with us in general so we replaced these "better speakers" with our old ones they were supposed to replace. It was back to mediocre sounding but at least reliable JBL Mpro's...
Re: Mackie HD1531 turned off!

My problem was a bad PS connection that was a cheap and simple fix. Used them once since. Hopefully no future problems.