I was just wondering whether you, as an engineer, prefer a console with the master section in the center, or one all the way to one end. If I had to choose, I'd say for a console with less than 32 faders total, it'll almost always be better to have the master on the right side of the console as having channel 1 all the way to your left and the master fader/faders all the way to the right forces you to stay directly in the center (and therefore discourages you from moving to one side or the other while mixing) so that you can reach them both comfortably, but after about 4ft.+ it doesn't matter as much because you can't comfortably reach to any part of the console anyway.
What are your thoughts on this? Ergonomics are going to become a large part of my next mixer purchase since I already know what features I want and it really is going to come down to how the console feels in the end.
What are your thoughts on this? Ergonomics are going to become a large part of my next mixer purchase since I already know what features I want and it really is going to come down to how the console feels in the end.