Mic for drummer

Re: Mic for drummer

I like OM7 but will use a mic with an on/off switch if the drummer doesn't sing too much.

+1 on the OM7.

Jeff's got the right idea with the switched mic, but recently I've simply used the mute button. Of course, I currently have the luxury of knowing the set and drummer well enough not to cut him off.
Re: Mic for drummer

OM 7 and a Cough Drop..

Does this work better than a Beta 57 or a 56 (which ain't great, but was better than an SM57)?

I'm not crazy about the sound of an OM7 (and it's fine, just not what I'm used to hearing), but if it provides better rejection of cymbals, then I'll gladly deal with it.
Re: Mic for drummer

OM7 and (if the drummer will use it regularly rather than a one-off), a Whirlwind MicMute footswitch mute.

The crown mentioned above is pretty good too, but I've only used it once, so can't say with certainty if it's better or worse.