Midas Pro 2 headphones output

Zé Júlio

Oct 28, 2012
Hi guys,

I need some help please.
I cannot get me headphones to Output any sound at all and i dunno what else to do.

The mixer was not configured by me and i really don't wanna try out loads of buttons.
Would u please let me know what should I do on order for it to work?

Thanks in advance

Re: Midas Pro 2 headphones output

All I/O is digital on the Pro2 so if you delete all patching you will also delete the patching from the solo bus to the headphones output. This may look strange at first, but is a powerful tool for creative routing.
Re: Midas Pro 2 headphones output

I have had an engineer on a tour I was on experience this before. Fredrik's got it right. It is possible to unroute the path to the headphone amp. The solo needs to be routed to the headphone output in the patching screen.
Re: Midas Pro 2 headphones output

I have had an engineer on a tour I was on experience this before. Fredrik's got it right. It is possible to unroute the path to the headphone amp. The solo needs to be routed to the headphone output in the patching screen.

Hi Adam and Fredrik,

Thanks for this. I just need to create a new scene and grasp all these routings without deleting anything from the previous ones. I just don´t wanna ruin anyone´s template.