Money Channel in a Digital World?

John Chiara

Jan 11, 2011
Troy, NY
Mixing a young female Country singer and was contemplating putting together a money channel for her vocal, and realized that many if the fairs, festivals and larger events may have a digital console with remote mic pres. Kinda stuck on what to do?
May not be worth the trouble?
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

Avalon 737?

You can do plenty of 'money channel' stuff while using the console pre.

Not to mention that most digital console systems include some analog tie lines to FOH you could use to get a signal into a preamp.

Or, just have the preamp onstage, and the rest of the money channel at FOH. If its the same singer and the same mic, you're settings aren't really going to change...
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

Mixing a young female Country singer and was contemplating putting together a money channel for her vocal, and realized that many if the fairs, festivals and larger events may have a digital console with remote mic pres. Kinda stuck on what to do?
May not be worth the trouble?

I would think that most of those larger consoles with digital snakes would also have enough sound quality and features to mitigate a lot of the need for fancy outboard.
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

Seeing as how you are looking for a little coloration with the money channel and most digital consoles have very little then just use the remote preamp from the console, patch a local output as the direct out from that channel to the money channel then repatch it into a local input. Add the coloration as desired. Or just use the consoles preamps and processing and don't worry about it. The consoles these days sound just fine.
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

May not be worth the trouble?

Ok, lets be realistic. Can anybody in the audience actually hear the difference with everything else going on in a live mix and all of the ambient noise in those situations? Can you even hear a significant difference in that situation? I am not saying it won't be a tiny bit better (maybe) but in the scheme of things is it really worth it? That IS the question you asked and that is a good question.

I have done some things with the money channel like that in the "old days of analog" because it was convenient to already have my vocal sound in my front of house rack. I like the sound of a high end tube pre and optical compressor on most vocals, change that to REALLY LIKE, but I seldom do that anymore except on some live recordings. If you do go that route I would run the mic straight to the pre/compressor or whatever you are going to do and then take a line out to the board. You will be bringing your own mic so the settings will never change. You can set the money channel rack by the board remote preamps in those situations since you only need to control the board line input level. If you develop a signature sound with the stuff you are using then I would say it might actually be worth it because you will have consistancy at every show. At least it will be a small rack to take and you could store her mic (and maybe her backup mic if you are really cool) in the rack as well. If her mic is a wireless even better because the receiver will be in the rack as well.

Obviously if you are using signature effects they will need to be at the board and not in the vocal rack unless they don't change. If they don't change then rack them with the other stuff and then take another line in on the next stage preamp so you will have control over the amount. Just my thoughts.

PS If you do something cool and it works out let us know :)
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

I would put most of the emphasis on a really top dollar vocal mic. The pre amps in and good console will be fine. If you can get yourself a pre/comp like an API/1176 combo great. If you happen to get an Avalon PLEASE don't use the compressor. They are garbage. I have an SSL G Series after my Avalon and it sounds great, but the built in comp on the Avalon sounds horrible.
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

What sort of vibe are you after re the money channel? I would guess you're thinking about a "character" preamp and compressor combo.

My recommendation for a quality first option would be a Manley Voxbox. Not at all cheap, but gives you a stellar class A pre, optical comp, pultec style eq, de-esser, limiter. When not used for this singer, you'd enjoy using it in your studio work anyway..... and it will definitely smoke any console pre.

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Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

Lots of digital consoles have a limited amount of onboard i/o and there's a good chance you'll have a FOH box. You could have the input hit the stage box and then put your outboard gear in line with an insert.
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

What sort of vibe are you after re the money channel? I would guess you're thinking about a "character" preamp and compressor combo.

My recommendation for a quality first option would be a Manley Voxbox. Not at all cheap, but gives you a stellar class A pre, optical comp, pultec style eq, de-esser, limiter. When not used for this singer, you'd enjoy using it in your studio work anyway..... and it will definitely smoke any console pre.

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One option was my Voxbox, SPL desser, and a BSS 901 II. She is young and quite erratic and I have had this combo work wonders before but I obviously have to be able to adjust it in real time for optimal results. My other option is a high end class A Pre, Requisite L1... Basically an LA2A on roids...the SPL and the BSS.
Re: Money Channel in a Digital World?

Even consoles with digital snakes have some sort of local i/o option. In these situations you might have to be prepared to wire the gear so that you can easily bypass the mic pre side in the rig. She sounds like she needs a MicPre->Distressor->Parametric Combo. As stated if you advance that you need to be able to send/return an outboard signal chain with the sound co they can have those lines ready.

I would be weary about using this in line check only situations. The EQ you set-up for her on a properly tuned PA system might not work on the PA at the state fair.

Having an RTA with FFT outweighs the need for a money channel for me on all festival gigs.