More LS9 questions

Ok, this first one is SM (studio manaager) related.

I need to move some channels over to make a space for another input. I remember that there is a way on the desk (or at least I assume so as my 01V96 can do it) to copy a channel. How do I do it in SM?
ATM CH14 is open and I need to move 11-13 to the right one slot. So, I could copy 13 to 14, then 12 to 13 and then 11 to 12.

Re: More LS9 questions

I was looking at the channel strips in SM yesterday and it occurred to me that I didn't know what the set of numbers to the right of each channel fader were. RM is at the bottom below the number 8.
What got my attention was that most had number 1 in red but a few had 3 in red.

Re: More LS9 questions


In SM, the numbers to the right of the fader are mute groups. If a given channel is assigned to a specific mute group, the number from 1 - 8 appears in red instead of white. If a channel is assigned to more than one mute group, each mute group number will be in red.

Re: More LS9 questions


In SM, the numbers to the right of the fader are mute groups. If a given channel is assigned to a specific mute group, the number from 1 - 8 appears in red instead of white. If a channel is assigned to more than one mute group, each mute group number will be in red.


Ah, super. Thanks. That makes sense since all the inputs are in group 1 and the monitor feeds (I split the vocals) are in 3. That way I can sound check the monitors without the mains on and mute the monitors when needed.
Re: More LS9 questions


You can try the channel MOVE function (Display Access > Channel Job > Ch Move), but be careful: the MOVEd channel carries over all the EQ and dynamics settings but it also carries over the input channel assignment. So if you move channel 13 to 14, channel 14 will still be assigned to IN 13.

Re: More LS9 questions

Ok, this first one is SM (studio manaager) related.

I need to move some channels over to make a space for another input. I remember that there is a way on the desk (or at least I assume so as my 01V96 can do it) to copy a channel. How do I do it in SM?
ATM CH14 is open and I need to move 11-13 to the right one slot. So, I could copy 13 to 14, then 12 to 13 and then 11 to 12.

Strangely, there is no copy/move function in the LS9 editor for SM. There is for other editor/consoles, but not the LS9. No idea why.
What you want to use is the MOVE function on the console. Check out page 127 of the LS9 manual.
Re: More LS9 questions

True, the easiest way to do it is on the desk itself using the copy channel function. Otherwise you would need to re-do your file in Studio Manager. It took me a couple of attempts to work through a scene that was universal. It's never a bad idea to select your channels in SM and take screen shots of them. I keep a file of those images so if I have to start over for some reason I can refer to the individual channel strip settings.
Re: More LS9 questions

Thanks. So I wasn't missing something in SM.

So, I copied the console file from SM to my USB thing and loaded it into the desk, used the copy function to shift over the 3 channels I needed then saved the scene and put it back on the USB. I loaded it back into SM and I see that it is all correct now. It didn't copy the channel patch so all the inputs were still patched right.

Andrew, thanks for the explanation of the [R] and [M] indicators.
Re: More LS9 questions

It's been awhile since I have toyed with this but someone at a "different" forum suggested opening a second instance of SM and you could move channels from one instance to the other in affect copying a channel. I don't remember the exact sequence of steps but it did work. Maybe someone remembers the steps better than me....

Good luck.