Multiple 01V96's w Studio Manager on MAC

Michael John

Jun 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia

I'm trying to use Studio Manager on a Mac to talk to two 01V96's with little to no success.
- Each 01V96 is set to a different port and ID (e.g. USB1-1 and USB2-2)
- Studio manager preferences have ports 1 and 2 enabled
- I have two instances of the 01V96 editor: one set for Port 1 ID 1 and the other set for Port 2 ID 2.
- Both consoles connected either directly to the MAC's USB's or through a 4 port USB hub.

Most of the time I can only get one of the two consoles to synchronise with it's editor. The other appears offline. I think on one occasion, both consoles were talking when connected directly (i.e. no USB hub) but I can't repeat it. I've also tried different combinations of ports and ID's.

Any help would be most appreciated. I think I'm loosing my mind.


USB midi is the latest 1.3.2.
SM is 2.3.4
01v96 editor is 2.2.2.
Macbook is 15" retina OsX 10.8.2.
Re: Multiple 01V96's w Studio Manager on MAC

I'm fairly certain that you can only have one console connected to studio manager at a time, unless they are set up in cascade mode.

Thanks. I'm curious then why Studio Manager allows multiple consoles in the current workspace. The YSM file can contain 01v96's, LS9's, Pm5D's and more, and sync them all when a YSM file is loaded.

I suspect the problem is either in the MAC's USB handling, or the Yamaha USB MIDI driver...
Re: Multiple 01V96's w Studio Manager on MAC

Ok, so I'm an idiot.

The Yamaha USB MIDI driver doesn't just list 8 ports, it lists 8 ports for each console. I was only seeing the first 8 in the list. I noticed the rest when trying the USB midi driver on a Windows XP machine.

Everything's working now...

Justice, Stuart, thans for your help....
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