Music for you: Allen Stone

Phil Graham

Honorary PhD
Mar 10, 2011
Atlanta, GA
On the LAB, in the old days, I used to infrequently post music that jumped out at me.

Yesterday I ran across one that really grabbed me. The kid's name is Allen Stone. He looks like Napoleon Dynamite, but have a listen and you'll be a believer:

Unaware - Allen Stone - Live From His Mother's Living Room - YouTube

BTW, I found Allen from episode 51 of Daryl Hall's excellent web series at Anyone who is a fan of expertly played and recorded live music should check it out.

And a post from gearslutz on the recording kit that Peter Moshay is using for Live From Daryl's House: - View Single Post - Live From Daryl's House
Re: Music for you: Allen Stone

DSLR cameras and accessible video editing software are making things look amazing. This guy kinda reminds me of Maxwell. Good heads up I see it has 800,000 + views so got that going for him.
Re: Music for you: Allen Stone

Yesterday I ran across one that really grabbed me. The kid's name is Allen Stone. He looks like Napoleon Dynamite, but have a listen and you'll be a believer:

Yep, that's the real deal. He's got some pretty cool control of his head voice, that's not something you see everyday.... it takes a lot of work and years of practice. Checked out some of his other clips, pretty talented dude. Wish we could work with performers of that caliber more often....

Check out his full episode on Daryl Hall's show....
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Re: Music for you: Allen Stone

this is so cool, and so is that live from darryls house. never seen that before but i am gonna watch it now!!!!!
Re: Music for you: Allen Stone

DSLR cameras and accessible video editing software are making things look amazing. This guy kinda reminds me of Maxwell. Good heads up I see it has 800,000 + views so got that going for him.

I'm an avowed Maxwell fan, mostly because Blacksummer's Night is a fantastic, reference level recording, and a go to system tuning record for me.

But I like this kid better, his phrasing has a more easy groove.
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Re: Music for you: Allen Stone

None of these clips offer the same recording quality of what you posted, but the artist did immediately remind of these two guys that I've been listening to a lot lately. If you like Allen Stone you'll most likely dig these two cats as well.

Sean McConnell
Sean McConnell "Reckless Love" - YouTube
Sean McConnell - Saint's Heart in a Sinner's Skin - YouTube
Sean McConnell - Dirty Diana (acoustic cover) - YouTube

Andrew Duhon
Andrew Duhon- Too Late - YouTube <----This is one incredible song!
Andrew Duhon Smokin Tuna Hoebee Radio Show.wmv - YouTube
Andrew Duhon - Scared To Death of Dying - Live at The Regal Room, London - YouTube <----Another amazing song. Great Lyrics.
Re: Music for you: Allen Stone

Here are a couple of local youngsters who write some great material:

Chris Koza | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos

Jack Klatt | Minneapolis, MN | Americana / Country Blues / Ragtime | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation

I found Chris when assigned to do a recording for broadcast and Jack while providing sound for a neighborhood "festival in the park". Pay particular attention to "Ruckus on Wall Street".

And another new face on the scene........after a full working lifetime while waiting to play music:
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I mixed monitors for Allen and his band earlier this month at a festival. His band is phenomenal, all great players in their own right and all very professional. Allen put on a great show and I am so glad I had the chance to be apart of that show and work with an artist I listen to often. Big things from this guy are in store!