My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours happy?

Dave Cheeseman

Aug 6, 2014
Hi everyone,

This is a bit off topic but you might be able to help or have some experience with similar.

My Son's nursury is in the proccess of seting up an outside space with lots of things to hit and make noise with (old drums, bits of metal whatever makes a noise). As soon as the neighbour to the nursery found out about this plan they want it stopped. We're trying to keep the peace( no pun intended) any ideas how to let the kids deafen them selves and start rock and roll careers without ending up in course? (in less flowery language how could be stop the sound annoying the neighbours without making the equipment silent)

Thanks for any help/suggestions serious or not :D~:-D~:grin:
Re: My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours hap

If the kids get really good.... the neighbor could set up seating and sell tickets. All you likely need is one prodigy and a viral video to get started.
Re: My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours hap


Seen, yes.

Heard, no.

Wisdom of the ages...
Re: My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours hap

Seriously? Move it inside and make it a teachable activity where they learn how to play and respect instruments and that there is a time and place for all things. Outside, beating on rusted metal just doesn't sound like a good plan for anybody, especially little children and the people that have to listen to them.
Re: My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours hap

If I had word that a neighbor wanted to do something like that, I'd be in a fit too! It's bad enough when there are screaming kids, but to give them tools to make MORE noise? Aargh.

If you want a 'noise room' put it indoors. Seal the room as best as possible. Let them go nuts in there.
Re: My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours hap

This is a spectacularly bad idea for many reasons, some of which are given above. One more is that it is very easy with simple pots and pans and spoons to create dangerously loud impulse sounds of 120 dBA and louder at close distances. Children's hearing can be damaged cumulatively in the same way as adults' hearing, by long exposure to moderately loud sounds or much shorter exposures to very loud, especially percussive, sounds. Please talk some sense into the nursery school leadership.
I think a music or percussion class like Lee suggests is a much better approach.
Re: My Kids Nursery is setting up an outdoor musical area: how to keep neighbours hap

This is a spectacularly bad idea for many reasons, some of which are given above. One more is that it is very easy with simple pots and pans and spoons to create dangerously loud impulse sounds of 120 dBA and louder at close distances. Children's hearing can be damaged cumulatively in the same way as adults' hearing, by long exposure to moderately loud sounds or much shorter exposures to very loud, especially percussive, sounds. Please talk some sense into the nursery school leadership.
I think a music or percussion class like Lee suggests is a much better approach.

I'm almost certain my hearing is less than stellar due to beating on pots and pans as a kid. This is definitely my stance too - keep the kids quiet on this one.

Well that and using a circ saw in closed quarters that one time...

And extensive use of leaf blowers...

The list goes on.