NEED HELP to name this sound

Jordon Herdman

New member
May 22, 2019
Hello, I will be honest this will be the only time I will use this forum but I need extreme help. I need everyone to gather their mental audio library and name this sound. This could help me IMMENSELY!

You can also see all the current guesses here:

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I like these guesses would you have any audio samples to compare?
Sorry no, just my memory and based upon mechanical knowledge.
Listening to it again (many times!) I would also suggest that it might be some kind of indexing or transfer mechanism in a machine which could be assembling/processing almost anything. In retrospect it sounds just a little too precise to be a shuttle - it's the final click of something somewhat lightweight latching into place, which I believe does not occur in a weaving machine. Further, there is very little background noise which is odd for a factory/production machine. This has some of the components of your sound, including the low background noise:
I'll agree that the lack of background noise is interesting, and would tend to indicate that the surrounding environment is relatively quiet, and that the recording mic was relatively close to the source. It's also too long of a cycle time to be any sort of high-speed production machine.

The large number of small impulses in the middle section also suggests to me that something is striking multiple closely-spaced objects, while the one-two click in the end section sounds like a something passing a catch. No clue as to the actual source of the sound, though.

Any context on how this sound was obtained?
Any context on how this sound was obtained?

I recorded it off my computer from a radio station. The contest is you have to name the sound, every wrong guess the pot goes up by $50 and there are 14 guesses per day. I thought I might crowdsource guesses LOL. But other than that there's no context to the sound. I also have to be selected from the thousands of texts when you enter to guess on the radio. Even if I figure out the sound without a doubt I might not be picked anyway

There were 3 other sounds that were already guessed. 1. Ripping perforated paper. 2. Scratching beard. 3. Pulling a sheet off a lint roller. That's the best I got! LOL