New Soundcraft Desk

Re: New Soundcraft Desk

Kind of bad timing for the release of a desk of this caliber... Avid Venue desks are still the most rider friendly at this scale and I don't see that changing until Avid "upgrades" to rigs based on the HDX hardware and AAX plugin format. I'd bet a year or two, but who knows. Very exiting and fast paced world right now for digital mixing things.

Once Avid "upgrades" to an HDX based format, they will loose Waves plugin support which will be a huge loss for both companies.

Stop being bitches Waves... Do your fvcking job... If you want your tools to sell, sell them in a format that people will use.
Re: New Soundcraft Desk

Can you hit the Dante system with the inserts?

Yes, I believe so.

My understanding is that the D21m, onboard madi, and Dante are all fully patchable is inserts/inputs/outputs. The only potential limitation is that its unclear whether then onboard madi port supports headamp control. You may have to buy a D21m Madi card to use the soundcraft stageboxes...
Re: New Soundcraft Desk

Last time I checked, there was something like 20 soundcraft vi's sold for every Avid desk in my little corner of the world.

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Wouldn't surprise me.

As an engineer, I like the Avids a lot. They have a great feature set, simple interface, and have been very reliable.

However, I wouldn't buy one now. Its a product which is approaching end-of-life status. New Venue on the horizon for sure.

Back to the console at hand though:

My concern with soundcraft is that I feel like manufacturing quality has gone down since the release of the Vi1. If you find an older Vi6, the vistonics knobs have a nice resistance to them, like the Studers. A newer Vi has the much less precise encoders that feel like the Vi1. Not a fan of these at all, very hard to be accurate mid-show.

That said, I like the layout of a Vi, and they sound great. Compressor knee control would be nice, as would some multiband processing, however the new SpiderCore engine might give them the platform they need to do this.

I'd also like to see Dante cards for the Soundcraft stageboxes. I have nothing against MADI, but as the world moves toward media networks, Dante & AVB is the direction everyone is moving, and I'd like to be able to build a system around that, but I don't fancy a Yamaha CL. A Vi3000 w/ Dante stageboxes would be interesting though!