NFPA 70 2008 NEC available on iPhone for $9.99

Re: NFPA 70 2008 NEC available on iPhone for $9.99

Hmm... Nice to see they are embracing mobile technology at least I guess. I've been pretty unhappy with the distribution model that the NFPA uses with their electronic versions of the NEC. I have both the 2005 and 2011 NEC in PDF, and not only did they change the way the distribution worked half way through (it used to use Adobe Digitial Editions and now uses some 3rd party DRM pile of B.S.) the document is also tied to a specific computer.

I've migrated to two different machines since purchacing the 2005 version, and once since purchasing 2011 and every time I have to email them to get them to reset my account. The DRM they use is incompatible with smartphones and possibly other non windows/mac OSes.

You would think in the interests of safety, they would want the code as available as possible. I guess it's just about "protecting their interests."
Re: NFPA 70 2008 NEC available on iPhone for $9.99

You would think in the interests of safety, they would want the code as available as possible. I guess it's just about "protecting their interests."
+1 - this frustrates me as well. I've done with hardcopy and the various "draft" versions that can be found via Googling. You would think that you could get a copy of the "laws" you are supposed to follow without having to go through a bunch of hoops and pay relatively speaking a lot of money (yes I realize the NFPA != the government).
Re: NFPA 70 2008 NEC available on iPhone for $9.99

+1 - this frustrates me as well. I've done with hardcopy and the various "draft" versions that can be found via Googling. You would think that you could get a copy of the "laws" you are supposed to follow without having to go through a bunch of hoops and pay relatively speaking a lot of money (yes I realize the NFPA != the government).
You're right that NFPA, ICC, etc. are not governing agencies nor do they create laws, they are associations creating products in the form of model codes and standards that governing authorities can then enact into law by reference, which subsequently allows those associations to sell their products, and apparently in whatever manner and for whatever amount they choose, to those having to comply with those laws. Unfortunately, I think the only way to avoid that is to create government agencies to develop and maintain the standards and codes, which is probably not a good idea.
Re: NFPA 70 2008 NEC available on iPhone for $9.99

You're right that NFPA, ICC, etc. are not governing agencies nor do they create laws, they are associations creating products in the form of model codes and standards that governing authorities can then enact into law by reference, which subsequently allows those associations to sell their products, and apparently in whatever manner and for whatever amount they choose, to those having to comply with those laws. Unfortunately, I think the only way to avoid that is to create government agencies to develop and maintain the standards and codes, which is probably not a good idea.
While I'm normally a libertarian and generally agree that there's no organization that can screw up any particular thing with as much breadth, speed, and efficacy as the government, the NFPA is giving the gov't a run for their money with the opacity and self contradiction of the NEC code. Not to be outdone, the gov't takes the baton and ensures a lack of understanding and consistent application of the code by their inspectors (sometimes with truly bizaare requirements), completing the misery.

Written for lawyers by lawyers. Yuck.