Party without a subwoofer?

Tralla fiti

New member
Sep 22, 2021
Hey everybody,

I don't know if I'm in the right place for my question, but anyway:

The hotel in which I will be marrying next year won't allow the DJ to use a subwoofer for the music. Is it ok not to use a subwoofer or does this lead to a shitty sound that will ruin everybody's evening? I am aware that it is obviously better to use a subwoofer but I am willing to accept that I don't have the best sound ever.

Thank you for a quick answer!

What the DJ plays will have far more impact than what it's played through.
Assuming a wide age range and some degree of cultural diversity in your wedding party, as many people's evening may be "ruined" by the DJ using a subwoofer as not.
Don't worry about it.
Tom , I own a pair of HK Polar 12's . Similar to the more popular Bose line array systems , and I can tell you without a sub these will give you awesome sound without knocking the china out of the cabinet , which is what the hotel is worried about . My HK's have more than enough power and clarity to fill most midsized rooms . Not sure where you live but any pro music shop will most likely be able to rent a set for relatively cheap . Have a great wedding and congratulations . :)
I believe they are talking about "Bass" rather than subwoofers. Regardless of what you bring in for speakers if there is too much bass for their liking they may ask you to turn the bass down. I would think about renting a different venue. Do you really want someone to dictate to you how your music is played on your wedding celebration? I wouldn't. Just something to think about.