Piano mic technique

Jared Koopman

Jun 13, 2012
I am looking for suggestions on micing a piano for recording. This is at a church an not a studio and the worship leader wanted to record a few tracks of te piano.

I have sm57, sm58, e604, mxl2000, audix i5 at my disposal. Also have a Sennheiser ew100 wireless lapel mic that I thought perhaps attaching to the inside piano lid might work too. I am willing to try whatever and hear the results (for science!).

I am looking for suggestions of where to put the mics. I will be recording into Reaper so I don't mid setting up several mics if need be and then mix the master later.

Any suggestions?

Re: Piano mic technique

What's the intended purpose for the recordings? If it's for entertainment, ie a CD, then a more distant mic technique would probably sound nice. If it's for tracks to be mixed in for service music, get as close and dry as you can.
What's the intended purpose for the recordings? If it's for entertainment, ie a CD, then a more distant mic technique would probably sound nice. If it's for tracks to be mixed in for service music, get as close and dry as you can.

Hi Scott.

The purpose was to get tracks to be mixed to create a cd for an elderly gentlemen in the congregation. He has cancer and practically on his death bed. So this is more of a recording of his favorite songs.

Since this wasn't mission critical I took the liberty to "try things out" . I ended up using two sm57 inside the piano, one located above the highs and lows. I also put the mxl2000 inside center but about a foot away from the strings.

I also aimed one of our hanging choir mics to get the overall sound.

For te pianist and vocalist I used sm58's.

Each recorded to its own track that I will work on blending into a cd mix for them.

It was actually fun to do it or science while helping benefit another persons quality of life.
