what are your goals for your company? what purchases will be made to facilitate new or existing clients? what actions are you taking personally to better yourself, your company and the industry as a whole, regardless of where you are in the pecking order?
personally, material items include a digital console, addtional Qrx's, amp, mics and recording software. I've been fortunate to have several requests for my services and am courting also some folks who are able to make decisions as well as spend money. Entertainment, seems to be a panacea for a depressed economy, giving hope and opportunity to some and opening new doors for work in my field. As a local provider, I've been able to expand my horizons, adding not only solid clients, but an opportunity to continue pursuing my personal goals and vision for the future. It has not been easy, but taking a positive attitude and being flexible, pro active, professional, enthusiastic and determined reaps the reward of continued growth of knowledge, clientelle and opportunities. I know many of us are struggling. Keep your heads up, realize your value and as mentioned before, it's time to adjust, adapt, improvise and get after it.
personally, material items include a digital console, addtional Qrx's, amp, mics and recording software. I've been fortunate to have several requests for my services and am courting also some folks who are able to make decisions as well as spend money. Entertainment, seems to be a panacea for a depressed economy, giving hope and opportunity to some and opening new doors for work in my field. As a local provider, I've been able to expand my horizons, adding not only solid clients, but an opportunity to continue pursuing my personal goals and vision for the future. It has not been easy, but taking a positive attitude and being flexible, pro active, professional, enthusiastic and determined reaps the reward of continued growth of knowledge, clientelle and opportunities. I know many of us are struggling. Keep your heads up, realize your value and as mentioned before, it's time to adjust, adapt, improvise and get after it.