For those, who are interested in the B&C coaxial driver:
I´ve been playing around with the 462 ( which is the 2" version of the 464 ) in combination with limmer 264 and 294 ( )
I wanted the 2" version, because this combination gives me a slightly longer horn path than the 464, one can get the 264/294 also with 1,4" throat.
So far the results in combination with a direct radiating 15" driver ( NDL88 ) are very nice. Crossover frequency is around 700Hz.
Directivity with 264 is simply fantastic above 800Hz. In contrary to the 18sound XT1464, which I know from other projects, there is nearly no HF loss to the sides.
With 294 horn there is a slight narrowing around 1500Hz like shown on the Limmer HP, but overall very, very good directivity behaviour.
Soundwise I haven´t heard anything better since the Stage Accompany Ribbon driver. I´m not listening to the box anymore, instead starting to judge the mix of the song.
Word of warning:
To flatten the 462 with my passive crossover, I need 8 PEQs for the 264 and 9 PEQs with 294, so for those who think a horn/driver combination should measure flat and sound good without PEQ, this might not be the right choice.
Of course I did compare the 462 to the BMS 4592, which measures considerably flatter on the same horn, but nothing has changed since I bought these.
I don´t like the BMS sound.
Since it seems, that the next 4 weeks do not provide many oportunities to earn money for people in the live sound business, at least in Europe,
I wish everyone the best to endure that.