Peter before I pull the trigger on the NDLs, it seems to me the Ciare 12” is probably the best choice, and what I read about it says it has great upper octave response as well. I wanted to ask, Im partial to B&C products, and really like that 88, I already own a pair of 14s, but wanted to ask what you think.
Why though did they attach the leads on the cone outside the cap like a 12 dollar full range clock radio transducer?? Man thats hokey looking.
The thing is, either the NDL88 or the Ciare, I’d want to be out of either by 800hz max, esp the Ciare as some breakup looks like it occurs. The 12NDL76, has better support above 800hz and supprts the cross up to 1.2 or so with less issues.
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