Question for Presonus Studio Live Users...

Kip Conner

Mar 13, 2011
Athens, GA
If I build a show on 16:4:2 StudioLive and I save it to my MBP, can I load the show onto a 24:4:2? I don't have a lot of experience on the desk but a friend let me borrow a 16:4:2 to get acquainted on for the next few days. The show I am going to be doing is on the 24 channel version and just wondered what would happen if I tried to load that show into it. Either it won't work at all or it will just extract the data that applies i.e. data from first 16 channels.

Re: Question for Presonus Studio Live Users...

Well, the worst that could happen would be that you corrupt the Sl24 enough to necessitate a 'factory reset' ...
Re: Question for Presonus Studio Live Users...

I doubt you'd brick it, but definitely the 24.4.2 scenes, fat channel presets, etc. will not transfer among any of their non-AI mixers. What happens with the AI mixers is beyond my experience, but I'd doubt that as well.

If it were only as simple as channel counts...
the 24.4.2 has four band vs three. Different number of aux sends. different controls on the gate. Variable Q. yada yada. They may as well be different brands of mixers.

Is there any common "settings" between a 01v96 and an LS9?
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