RCF Event 1018 output

Lisa Lane-Collins

Dec 9, 2012
Adelaide, Australia
Running two subs per side and happened upon a suggestion on the internet that the output is actually rolled off below 120Hz (intended to be used with a specific top with no dsp). Is that a thing? How do I avoid the thing? I have the inbuilt crossover disengaged at the moment but I'm still a bit underwhelmed by the low end coming out of 4 (being driven by a QSC running in stereo, thought maybe 3490, have to double check tomorrow). Feel like 4 of these should sound better than one JBL PRX 618S-XLF (and the possibly are significantly louder but it's all low mids...JBL rumbles nicer).
Re: RCF Event 1018 output

They have rising responce from like 65hz up and the difference between 45Hz and 100hz is at about 6db or more if i remember it correctly. Try lowpassing them at 80hz and see how you like it. They dont do much below 45hz so dont expect them to rumble much. But they have very strong punch.
Re: RCF Event 1018 output

Check the amp. I am not familiar with that model. A 3402 is only going to give you 1100w a side though. Also if it is a PLX series they have a built in 50hz roll off on the dip switches.
Re: RCF Event 1018 output

They have rising responce from like 65hz up and the difference between 45Hz and 100hz is at about 6db or more


Actually they turned out pretty sweet. Tried tipping them on their sides and seemed to get less whoomph and more omninous low end out of them like that. But that's a lot of heavy box to achieve the same result a single PRX 618S XLF can achieve. (Although Yep, the RCF sound Feeeels a lot bigger)

Good thinking with the amp, did end up flicking all the dip switches off just in case. Sounds like they could use considerably more juice than that. Eee, I'm excited :)
...But that's a lot of heavy box to achieve the same result a single PRX 618S XLF can achieve...

If 4 of them are not playing any louder than 1 PRX-618S, then you are doing something terribly wrong. Even one 1018 (properly powered) should be louder than a 618S. Perhaps you should reexamine your amp specs and settings with an expert. Or else there is more to the story here that we haven't yet been told.

And no, if we are talking about a passive sub, the output is not rolled off below 120Hz, (referring to your first post). There is no crossover or filter inside.

Can you give us more details about your setup?
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