RHAON Supervision

victor vergara

Jul 12, 2012
I need to supervise Renkus-Heinz speakers using their RHAON software. The Renkus-Heinz have cobranet capabilities.
Our CobraNet Speakers are connected using a separate CISCO switch. We have about 20 speakers CF81 with PF series intelligent amp. However, no computer is physically attached to this CISCO switch and at this point we will not be able to include one. Our most likely solution is to connect through a router/firewall and allow a computer from a different subnet to run and control the CF81 speakers.
So the technical difficulties we have are:

  1. Can PF1-200 units (CF81 speakers) use a normal DHCP server? I know RHAON software does this, but I didn’t find in the manual if we can use our own ip-assignation avoiding RHAON software.
  2. Can the controlling computer (where the RHAON software gets installed) use dynamic IP address allocation?
  3. Can the same controlling computer be on another subnet? Also,
  4. Can we use the same NIC for regular internet and RHAON networking? (Specially, if the computer is in a different subnet and shared with other applications and functionalities?)
  5. Basically our supervision computer is physically connected to a different router and subnet than the Speakers are, but we can route to the Speakers’ router.