Rush Concert

Jack Arnott

Jan 29, 2011
sadly/strangely disappoints, in the audio department.
Strangely, because they have had such great sound over the decades.

I think that this was the worst sound I have heard from Rush, and this includes the 1977, first time I saw them. Which was stacks of stuff, in a similar arena. Hockey. Also in 1977 I had no point of reference. It was even before i started doing sound. But it was an awakening experience for me. I think that one thing was that they didn't have nearly as much PA back then, and didn't overpower the room nearly as much. And it was worse than the last time I saw them, in the worst house in town, the basketball arena. (That time Robert Scoville was mixing, and it was quite good up close.)

19th row this time, and still no bueno. The keyboards were quite muddy, and then had to be pushed slightly more than usual, so this muddied things up. The snare was so close, but not quite there. Enough snap, just right in the oomph, but not enough crack. The low end was slightly overdone. (We were out of power alley.) So the bass was not quite distinct enough. Worst of all were the vocals, or Geddy's vocals.

He does not quite have it like he used to, vocally. Not that bad, just slightly off. Some songs more so than others. On those songs, it seems like the sound guy backed off, instead of helping him out. I couldn't tell (of course) if it was intentional, or a habitual thing. But it seemed to me to exacerbate any small problems, and would have been better if the sound man gave him some love, and let him shine through, bumps bruises, and all.

Musically, my gosh, it was just so incredible. They seem to be tighter musically, and looser inhibition wise than ever before. Just rockin', funky, git up and go. Alex Liefeson just seems to get better and better. Or they give him more room, and a funkier bed than ever to do his thing. Something, just unchained.

I didn't realize that I don't have any Rush t-shirts. EBay here I come.

Already ordered the R40 blu ray(s).
Already have Snakes and Arrows, and it is wonderful.
Re: Rush Concert

Back in '77, more than likely it was Captial Sound that was doing the PA.

They used double 15" scoops, 2x12" horn loaded 12" (VM4562), and dual driver 2440 or 2441s JBLs on a cast JBL 2350 horn,

The side fills were the same system, except they had single driver HF 2350s.
Re: Rush Concert

I was in Tulsa for the opening night of the tour. First time attending the opening night of a tour. It required a few songs before the sound started getting dialed in, but once in, it was great from my seat, about half way back and half way up the seating area. I've seen them 4 times since Snakes and Arrows tour and they have always sounded great.

I've been to a lot of shows but these guys are amazing in how tight their music is and how much they make fun of themselves in their videos and stage set ups.

I spent a lot of money that night buying T-shirts and a jersey. I might not be able to see them again live as they are saying this will be the last big tour. I wish I could have seen them when I (and they) were younger, but have been tryin to make up for lost time.
Re: Rush Concert

I was at a Rush sound check in Hartford CT back in the late '70s early '80s, my dominant recollection was how loud it was. Apparently while i was standing there they checked the levels for the extra loud encore/finale. :-( In the empty auditorium it was quite loud.

I was impressed enough to leave the building and not come back, and i am a Rush fan (back then they even used some of my gear).

Re: Rush Concert

I have no idea, and I have also tried to find out what speakers they are using, to no avail.

Brad Madix has done the recent tours. Not sure if he's on this one or not.

every time I see his name it makes me smile as his name is so close to mine and Rush is probably the only band left in the world I would actually go out with. I've been a huge FanGirl of Rush since the 80's...
Re: Rush Concert

Brad Madix has done the recent tours. Not sure if he's on this one or not.

every time I see his name it makes me smile as his name is so close to mine and Rush is probably the only band left in the world I would actually go out with. I've been a huge FanGirl of Rush since the 80's...
Hmm....I have opinions I will not share on the public forum. PM me if interested.
Re: Rush Concert

I stopped going to (any) concerts in large indoor venues years ago because they always seem to sound like crap. Then my girlfriend surprised me with tickets to see The Eagles at EnergySolutions Arena last September and I was blown away by how good it sounded. Consequently, I considered going to the Rush show at The Maverik Center, presuming the sound would be fairly good. I didn't go and suppose I didn't miss anything.

The first time I saw Rush was when I worked their 30th anniversary show at USANA Amphitheater. They put on a great show and it sounded wonderful, at least from the front barricade.
Re: Rush Concert

I stopped going to (any) concerts in large indoor venues years ago because they always seem to sound like crap. Then my girlfriend surprised me with tickets to see The Eagles at EnergySolutions Arena last September and I was blown away by how good it sounded. Consequently, I considered going to the Rush show at The Maverik Center, presuming the sound would be fairly good. I didn't go and suppose I didn't miss anything.

I saw the Eagles 3 or 4 years ago and it was the best sound I ever hear indoor or outdoor and they were in a hockey arena. J D Brill is among the best.
Re: Rush Concert

I saw the Eagles 3 or 4 years ago and it was the best sound I ever hear indoor or outdoor and they were in a hockey arena. J D Brill is among the best.
I saw the Eagles in a cowshed (Bingly Hall) in the 80s, and was blown away with the sound quality and mix. Most boring concert I can ever recall attending, should have saved my money and just listened to the albums. With the possible exception of Rocky mountain way.
Re: Rush Concert

Saw Rush a few years ago, the sound quality and mix were amateur at best. Prior to that I saw a couple other acts in the same venue using the same basic
Clair PA rig and it sound like you where in your livening room listening to private concert.

Just saw the Eagles and the sound was I dare say perfect. Giving credit where credit is due saw Elton John a couple years ago and Fleetwood Mac
last year both of them sounded amazing.