Should be required viewing for all vocal newbies (and maybe some oldies)

Re: Should be required viewing for all vocal newbies (and maybe some oldies)

The third video seemed like it was more of an Audix commercial then an instructional video like the first two. Also I cringed a little when they soloed the singer in that video.

Some good basics in the first two videos but some of it is a bit over exaggerated, like the off axis indication I think only applies that drastically with a hyper cardioid mic. Also the dynamics visual demonstration is too drastic for most singers. Most singers just don’t have that powerful of a voice to pull their mic away that far. So just for that part of it I would hesitate to show this to most people. It would have been better if they had also showed (by demonstrating audibly) how different it can sound when most people pull the mic that far away.

I will also add that the basic idea that you need to travel with you own mic for the reason that they state (hygiene) is a little bit more paranoid they people need to be. I have spoken to medical professionals about how long germs live on a surface and the most paranoid you should be are when you are walking up to a mic that was just used by another person and you are going lips to the grill. If I am remembering correctly nothing communicable lasts anywhere near 24 hours on a surface. I would be more worried about that skuzzy sound guy that just went check one two with their lips touching the grill of your mic then who used it yesterday.

The following has happened to me so rarely that I almost hesitate to mention it. But I have encountered people bringing their own mics that were inferior mics or one of the singers brings a mic that is so mismatched with everything else and showing up at the last minute so I can’t tweak their super wiz bang piece of garbage mic to even sound halfway usable. So I guess I am saying is that I don’t want to encounter it more due to people seeing this video and getting paranoid. Just remember just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean that someone isn’t really out to get you.

A little aside, the absolute minimum quality mic I would use on a singer would be an SM58. I used to use cardioid condenser mics on singer more often until a time I worked with a group that I realized I really didn’t want to hear the vocals that clearly. So I have switched back to using the SM58 more lately.
Re: Should be required viewing for all vocal newbies (and maybe some oldies)

I watched them and feel about same as Kevin did. With some editing they would be very good. I would have liked to have them truly demonstrated the audible difference when cupping a mic and not. At times they kind of contradicted themselves about being right on the mic and then latter talking about proximity effect and saying back off the mic to clear up the low end. Me I'll deal with proximity effect all day if it means someone actually staying on mic!

As to the video helping those who think they already know how to use a mic when their mic technique has been "taught" them by watching a music video of the one hit wonder of the week....I'm not going to hold my breath.

There needs to be a video produced targeted to MC's, presenters, and podium use. Item one would be don't be afraid of your own voice, number two if your following the seven foot giant at the podium take a second to adjust the mic back down to your mouth or visa versa.