Some background about this DIY forum

Jeff Babcock

Jan 11, 2011
Ontario, Canada
The idea for this DIY forum was partially formed out of frustration.

While there are many DIY resources available on the internet, there is a lot of stuff which is really lacking from the perspective of a professional user.

Additionally, many of these sites are places where you will encounter designers who are very defensive and not particularly open to collaboration.

Personally I had made plans to start a dedicated forum elsewhere for this DIY topic. However, due to the recent arrival of this site, it was decided to consolidate it here. My friends Robt Burns and Ron Krieger were only occasional PSW visitors but are very useful resources who have come with me here. Please make them welcome.

Let's make this forum a place where collaboration is encouraged, and constructive criticism can be taken in a positive manner.

Let's not resort to the antics on some other forums. Play nice.

Let's back up our work with real world reports and measurements.

Simply put... let's be professional about this.

If we can do that, great things can come from here.

Re: Some background about this DIY forum

Sounds awesome. I for one would love to experiment in building some smaller mains/monitors for my acoustic gigs and for my mom's school programs.

Looking forward to summer time and learning.
Re: Some background about this DIY forum

The idea for this DIY forum was partially formed out of frustration.

Additionally, many of these sites are places where you will encounter designers who are very defensive and not particularly open to collaboration.

Sorry to hear...but not all that surprising. I am a mod at one decent sized DIY forum. while the interest there seems focused on studio gear, it ranges to most things electrical or electronic. {I don't recall blowing you off, sorry if I did.}

Regarding free design software there are several PCB layout programs provided by PCB makers trying to drum up business and at least one free 2D cad software program provided by a low volume metal or other odd parts maker. There have been multiple threads on that subject over at the website I listed.

Quote: said:
Personally I had made plans to start a dedicated forum elsewhere for this DIY topic. However, due to the recent arrival of this site, it was decided to consolidate it here. My friends Robt Burns and Ron Krieger were only occasional PSW visitors but are very useful resources who have come with me here. Please make them welcome.


Quote: said:
Let's make this forum a place where collaboration is encouraged, and constructive criticism can be taken in a positive manner.

Let's not resort to the antics on some other forums. Play nice.

Let's back up our work with real world reports and measurements.

Simply put... let's be professional about this.

If we can do that, great things can come from here.

I think I may have some insight into why you haven't found nirvana in open source hardware design. Professional designers expect compensation for novel design. It is the ''work'' that they do. A little like me asking you to come set up and mix a sound show for free, because you are experienced and know how to do it so well.

I found the LAB subwoofer design a ''professional'' speaker design effort, given to the community gratis by TD. I never felt people completely understood how generous that was. I don't think we can find many (any?) like examples from similar stature design engineers. Most free designs are worth pretty much what you pay for them, IMAO (in my arrogant opinion).

As I said I moderate on a design forum, and am more than willing to share general knowledge and point people in the right direction while critiquing a rough design, I was helped by others when I was wet behind ears and learning the basics. That said, a bunch of amateurs collaborating on a design project does not suggest anything near a professional ''work for hire'' end result. I quickly lose interest with the number of people I encounter who have no desire in learning ''how to design'' but instead want to learn ''how to get an XYZ without that nagging little detail'' (a merchantable design).

Being truly professional about this, suggests a different path to me, but I understand the desire, while perhaps it underestimates the skill sets involved. In one of my past jobs I managed an engineering group, and even degreed junior engineers require much hand holding to turn out a merchantable product, even on relatively straightforward derivative designs (like the next generation ZYX for example).


Not to be a complete downer, could I suggest a slightly different tack along similar lines that could be similarly educational. Offer technical advice for people trying to repair or modify old out of warranty audio products.

I am always apprehensive about inviting neophytes under the hood when mains power is involved, but most of the people electrocuted are ''professional'' technicians and engineers who get sloppy and too comfortable around dangerous voltages because they are experienced.

Good luck...

Re: Some background about this DIY forum

Hi JR,

Thanks for sharing.

My reference of frustration initially was more along the lines of speaker design. I have not been to the forum you mention, and certainly you have never blown me off.

By ''professional'', I mean this more in terms of a general attitude rather than expecting everything here to be pro-worthy creations. I simply want people to think critically, be able to prove their work, and avoid sloppiness.

Certainly I would be extremely hesitant in terms of things like DIY amps, interfaces, eq's, or other gadgets where mains power is involved. I agree that extreme caution would be necessary, and I'm hesitant to support such projects - I certainly am not qualified to do so.

My particular area of interest lies more in the speaker design realm, and therefore if interests head into other areas I am hoping that others here might help to guide things, and determine what is reasonable and what should be avoided.

As always, your perspective is invaluable.



Re: Some background about this DIY forum

Perhaps name it ''speaker DIY forum''.. Not an area of interest or expertise for me, but surely for others here. I always thought there were a bunch of such forums, and magazines, and..... Where if you have a table saw, and some time you can make speakers. I remember back in the day when all regional sound companies rolled their own boxes. My first home speaker system was some cheap 10'' drivers, mounted into the cardboard box they were shipped in.

FWIW I made my own knock-off Bose 901s, with 16 drivers per box and active EQ, back in the early '70s. They went nicely with 4x250W power amp I designed and built around the same time. But back then I had more time than money and it was educational in several ways.

There is an amp repair currently in the basement which is exactly what I had in mind, but I don't mean to co-opt your forum concept... so disregard my suggestions here and elsewhere.

Speaker away...


Re: Some background about this DIY forum

Hi JR,

I'm not concerned with keeping this forum exclusively speaker related. If there are things that fit into a DIY audio category they are welcome here so long as they aren't risky for users. I don't want somebody to electrocute themselves..... speakers are a little safer in that regard.

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