Sound apps for Android tablets?

Jan 11, 2011
Tulsa, OK
I'm about to pull the trigger on an Android tablet, probably the Acer A500. Looking for feedback on what apps are available for the Android tablet platform.

I have no interest in an iPad with the sole exception of being able to run Yamaha Stage Mix. Anyone have any idea whether Yamaha has plans for an Android version of Stage Mix?

(I do know about the AV Tools app already)
Re: Sound apps for Android tablets?

The couple sound apps I have on my android phone are severely limited by the built in mic. I am not sure how you would get around that with a tablet. When I was shopping a couple months ago it seemed that most of the low priced tablet had converted to android, so I ended up as wait and see.
Re: Sound apps for Android tablets?

I carry an HTC Sensation phone and have it on that. The mobile CueStation clients are MacBooks and MacBook Pros and a Samsung Q1 mini tablet. There are around 15 or so computers used in the audio show control. We can VNC from any location to the next. For example in the basement in the monitor room I can VNC to the Clear Com software or video array in the fourth floor amp room. We use Chicken of the VNC on the Macs and VNC server and viewer on Windows and Linux. A couple of the guys have iPads as well they own.