Story Request: Non-recurring Engineering (NRE) tales for upcoming FOH article

Phil Graham

Honorary PhD
Mar 10, 2011
Atlanta, GA
Hey all,

I'm working on an upcoming FOH article that's about a peek "across the desk" about engineering products for the industry.

Originally the article was going to focus mostly on navigating compliance issues (UL, CSA, etc.), but it has expanded to talk more generally about various aspects of Non-recurring Engineering (NRE) for production-related projects. For those who aren't engineers by trade, NRE is the upfront expense and complication of getting a product out in the market that gets amortized over the sales of the product. Examples include testing, mold design/manufacturing, jigging, component design/testing, etc.

I'm hoping that some of would be willing to share stories, good and bad, about dealing with these things to add some spice to the article. I'm happy to keep all aspects of the product/product class/company/etc anonymous, and would let any manufacturer/engineer proof their inclusion before sending it off to the presses. I'm not about getting anyone in trouble.

If anyone has some good stories on production-related products, please PM me here, and I'll reach out via phone or email.

Thanks in advance!
Re: Story Request: Non-recurring Engineering (NRE) tales for upcoming FOH article

I have several decades of experience in these trenches. Most of the anecdotes are pretty boring and the few interesting ones are probably sensitive, and ungentlemanly to share.

I'll PM you a couple. One you could conceal the source the more amusing one to me is also too recognizable.