Studio Manager Conundrum (off line use at this point)

Tim Padrick

Jan 11, 2011
I'm loading up a Vista machine that we were given. I did all the MS updates (over 70!), then installed programs (DME-N, SM, LS9 Editor). Copied over all my files (which work perfectly on my desktop and laptop).

Studio Manager opens fine, but when I try to open any of my .YSA or .L9A files it gives me an error: "Parameter out of range error. (-1)".

Any ideas other than uninstalling and reinstalling everything?
Re: Studio Manager Conundrum (off line use at this point)

I think this error is related to a version change in the LS9 Editor and/or the LS9 firmware. I got this exact error when trying to sync an older version of the LS9 editor (I think V2.1.3) on an old laptop with the latest LS9 Firmware (1.30). I had to upgrade to the latest editor (V2.1.4) to get the sync to work.

What version of the LS9 editor are you running? Has it changed since you created the YSA or L9A files?

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Re: Studio Manager Conundrum (off line use at this point)

All computers (the Vista I'm working on, my offline desktop XP, and my online laptop XP) have the same versions.

I uninstalled, downloaded anew (in case something got corrupted during the copy), and re-installed. All seems well now.
Re: Studio Manager Conundrum (off line use at this point)

I have run into this a few times, and there were 2 scenarios that it ended up being. #1 was what Michael said, and #2 was when I was trying to basically load an "all" file, into SM, but the file itself was simply a scene file or something to that effect.

Try verifying that it is in fact an "all" file.
Re: Studio Manager Conundrum (off line use at this point)

All I can offer is that my old Gateway started with Vista 5 years ago and Studio Manager (among other programs) was quirky. Then I installed Win 7 Pro and all of those issues went away. It shouldn't have been that way, but what can I say...

Fast forward to now, I use a MacBook Pro with Parallels. I had to get Windows on the Mac pretty quickly, but my Win 7 discs were all upgrades. I had a full version of Vista, so I installed it in Parallels. SM ran, but here was this quirkiness again. Finally, a lampie we work with went all Ubuntu (I can't begin to imagine what he's going through with his networked lighting desks and all, but that's his cross to bear) gave me his full version of Win 7 Pro, and whaddya know, SM, as well as the Ashly Protea and NE software and EAW Pilot work smoother and more consistently.

I wish I had an answer or a reason why this is, but I don't. I'm just better off with Win 7 for the PC needs on my Mac (that and 16gigs of RAM!)

Geri O