SysTune Pro normalization plug-in

Nicholas Ames

May 29, 2015
Portland, OR
Hi, I'm new to this forum and was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this topic. I recently purchased SysTune Pro and am very happy with the software. If fits my needs better than I could have expected, and I'm finding new ways to use the tool all the time. The only thing that I'm not quite understanding is how to use the normalization plug-in within SysTune for mic. compensation . Has anyone successfully been able to convert logarithmic .txt mic. cal data to the .ext format required by SysTune. Also, what are other potentially useful ways to use the normalization feature?
Re: SysTune Pro normalization plug-in

I have never used it for mic compensation, but I have used the normalization feature to see how a speakers response changes over different drive levels. It is also handy when used in Pat Browns "Toaster Test" to determine the max input voltage into a speaker.