I want to get a tablet and router for my Pro1. I guess I need an IPAD but which one do you all prefer? Also,do they make a rack mount router and if so,which one do you prefer? Thanks.
I want to get a tablet and router for my Pro1. I guess I need an IPAD but which one do you all prefer? Also,do they make a rack mount router and if so,which one do you prefer? Thanks.
It sounds like you really need a tablet and an "access point". Unless there is going to be some integration to the WWW or other system complexities, a "router" is really not needed. This being said, most of what people call "routers" have access points inside. I use a ENS500ext access point and have had flawless coverage in the middle of 60k+. It is only 5Ghz though, no 2.4Ghz, but that is not an issue for the apple product line.