Tablet Windows PC for Lake Software

Jason Misterka

Mar 10, 2011
Hey Folks,

Looking to pick up a pair of matching tablets to (almost) exclusively run Lake software for our PLM amps.

They don't need to be killer, and hopefully we can find something reasonably priced for this task.

It is important, though, that there is some kind of bump case or otter box, etc, available for that model.

Any ideas? I am sure a bunch of people have gone down this road.

Re: Tablet Windows PC for Lake Software

Buy something that will allow you to run Windows XP if at all possible. Much faster, much smoother. They still haven't figured out how to make the Lake controller software snap under Windows 7, although it does work nicely if you're patient.
Re: Tablet Windows PC for Lake Software

A lot of corporations are dumping their Lenovo X61 tablets on ebay right now for very little money, some have gone for as little as $300. IMO they are a slight improvement over the motion computing tablets because they've got dual core processors and overall have hardware that is a little more up to date. I run mine in "laptop" mode quite often, but still use the stylus for input on the display. When you're out and about, flip the display down and use it as a tablet, when you're back at FOH put it back to laptop mode and the display is now at the right angle for you to view while sitting down.
Re: Tablet Windows PC for Lake Software

Thanks Folks...

Just got a pair of LE1600. I'll be breathlessly awaiting their arrival, I'm sure... :)

Re: Tablet Windows PC for Lake Software

I love my X60 tablet, and it is a powerful laptop when I don't need it as a tablet.

The screen apparently does not survive being driven over by a truck, but the rest of the computer did.