Tectonic Audio Labs?

Re: Tectonic Audio Labs?

Anyone heard these flat panel speakers? Are they viable for large applications?

I can't think of a "large application" in which a diffuse sound output would be preferable to a controlled pattern.

"Diffuse Sound Output" is Tectonic Audio Labs market speak for variable pattern control which is claimed to occur over a horizontal coverage of ~ 170°.

When a speaker system is rolled out with no technical data (other than size and weight) available the usual reason is polar response is poor, and output level lackluster.
The highly reverberant sound on all the videos demonstrating the Tectonic Audio Labs panels seem to reinforce the frequency dependent variable lack of pattern control.

Considering the narrow vertical pattern typical of AMT (air motion transformer) tweeters and the relatively low output levels the Tectronic speakers have been demonstrated at, lack of feedback with a mic in front of them is not surprising.

The thin form factor of the Tectonic Audio Labs speakers is nice.